GDPR Fireside Chat

Wednesday 22nd March 4pm-7pm
The Cafe Royal, London

Data is the hottest topic of 2017, not only because of the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) but also because more businesses than ever have realised its central role. Data is advancing their digital transformation and resolving numerous business challenges. This includes data privacy issues, with over 90% of consumers expressing concerns over how businesses use and share their online activity data.

With the GDPR directing the spotlight in digital’s direction, we can benefit from the ability to address customer data privacy concerns. Leverage this opportunity to turn those customers who view data collection with mistrust into advocates for your business.

Join HSBC, Kemp Little and Tealium for an exclusive opportunity to discuss the cornerstones of GDPR, their potential impact on your business.

To make sure we cover your key questions surrounding GDPR, we are inviting you to submit a question with your registration.

Book Your Seat Today

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