Tealium Moments

A collection of features enabling you to own the customer experience moment with real-time intelligence and action, featuring Moments API and Moments IQ

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About Tealium Moments

To win the moments that matter in customer journeys, brands need to be ready to act with intelligence instantly— not after the interaction ends. That means equipping your tech stack with readily accessible historical and 360 insights with real-time context and activation.

The Tealium Customer Data Hub is real-time by default, enabling you to combine real-time customer insights with lifetime intelligence for the best experience.

Combine all of your existing data
with contextual zero-party insights and own the moment

Real-time by default
Infer Insights with Consented First Party Data
Moments IQ for Zero Party Data
Moments API to Access Any Data

Collect, process, and activate customer data in real-time

Tealium is real-time across the entire data supply chain, not just a piece of it.

Build your own insights based on customer behavior, specific to your business

Rich, cross-channel customer profiles tuned to your real-time needs (with consented data).

Augment observed and purchased data with zero party data by asking direct questions or getting real-time feedback and using it to give the best experience

Augment observed and purchased data with zero party data by asking direct questions or getting real-time feedback and using it to give the best experience.

  • Ask for Insights - Rather than guessing what the customer is expecting, ask them using simple, in-context questions, during the interaction.

  • Personalize Without PII - Most personal preferences are not PII, unlocking organic in-the-moment experiences without needing sensitive data.

  • Enrich Profiles of Known Users - Get a better understanding and richer cross-channel audiences by enriching profiles with the zero-party insights collected.

Tune our API for your needs across your whole tech stack.

Augment observed and purchased data with zero party data by asking direct questions or getting real-time feedback and using it to give the best experience.

  • Blazing Fast Access - Get the data you need and impact the customer within milliseconds, not minutes.

  • You Compose the Moments API - Get access to any data relevant to informing the customer experience, by composing the exact API for your needs.

  • Power a Variety of Use Cases and Systems - With integrated consent, and over 1300+ integrations, there is no limit to the combinations available.

Capture and Access Any Data You Need, When and Where You Need It

NEW: Moments IQ

New feature to collect declarative data from customers by asking direct questions or providing a way for customers to provide feedback. This data is natively integrated into customer profiles and available for instant activation.

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NEW: Moments API

New API to access data from Tealium with blazing fast response times to enable real-time, first-page personalization and beyond. The Moments API comes with an API Composer enabling you to choose the data points you want available to optimize for speed.

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Use Cases for Moments IQ with Zero Party Data

  • Shorten Time to Conversion

  • Improve Customer Health with Timely Intercepts

  • Targeted Cross-Channel Audiences with Declared Data

Use Cases for Moments API Real-time Data

  • First Page Personalization and beyond in Real-time

  • Real-time Interaction Management

  • Zero Party Data Capture and Activation

Talk to a CDP expert and see if Tealium is the right fit to help drive ROI for your business.

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