Customer Data Platform (CDP)

Businesses rely on a Customer Data Platform to drive ROI

Modern businesses use a Customer Data Platform (CDP) to create a unified view of their customer by collecting data from their various interactions.

Request a demo to learn how the right Customer Data Platform (CDP) will:

  • Help you build robust customer data profiles
  • Create truly personalized experiences to deliver on a never-ending cycle of better insights and customer trust
  • Increase return on your investments with patented visitor stitching capabilities.

Turn Your Customer Data into the Fuel that Powers Your Revenue Stream
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Acquire and Retain
Customer-First Technology

The benefit of unifying customer data is two-fold – prevent customer churn by providing consistently personalized experiences, and use existing customer data to help create new customer relationships for continued growth.

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Increase ROI
Results-Driven Engagement

Leverage patented visitor stitching capabilities to define key engagement across channels and spend your investment dollars in the right place – with your high value customers.

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Build and Maintain Trust
Secure and Regulated Data

Collect and store customer data in a privacy-conscious way to build trust. Stay compliant with data security tools, infrastructure, and practices to ensure customer privacy and mitigate legal risk.

“Through the partnership with Tealium, Adore Beauty has surpassed its engagement goals exponentially. Our average order value is up 9% than before the implementation of AudienceStream, and our conversion rates have rocketed by 17%.”

Case Study >>

Dan Ferguson
Chief Marketing Officer, Adore Beauty

“We converted almost twice the rate as the second-best team,” says Geurts. “We were by far the best in the NBA, and we know that this is all due to Tealium and our data strategy.”

Case Study >>

Jared Geurts
Senior Director, Analytics, Utah Jazz

Additional Resources

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