
The New World of CX: Discovering the Art of Data-Driven Experiences

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Accelerating digital globalisation, increasing regulatory demands and third-party cookie loss have made a customer data platform (CDP) indispensable to first-class customer experiences (CX).

The shift to real-time insights-driven CX is now a strategic imperative, with 83 percent of global CEOs looking to Marketing to drive growth. With a CDP, businesses saw an 8.5 percent rise in re-engagement worth more than $2.5 million in profit over a three-year period.

Download Tealium and Merkle’s white paper to discover:

  • How a CDP powers business growth by unlocking the intelligence necessary to produce meaningful CX innovation.
  • The role of a CDP in unifying, clarifying and democratising data to achieve CX performance that pays economic dividends.
  • The distinct elements of exceptional CX per sector, and how a CDP can deliver superior experiences by extracting maximum value from data.
  • The importance of the CEO, CMO and CTO alliance to data-driven organisational transformation that yields sustainable competitive advantage.