Analyst Report

Gartner®: Quick Answer: We Have MDM — Do We Need a CDP?

Understand how a CDP can help master your customer data goals

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Many organizations rely on Master Data Management (MDM) solutions for a unified view of customer data. But what if you need to go deeper for superior marketing and customer experience?

In this report, Quick Answer: We Have MDM — Do We Need a CDP?, Gartner sheds light on the value of Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) and how they can complement your existing MDM strategy.

Download to Learn:

  • Clarity on MDM vs. CDP: Learn how each system tackles customer data, and their distinct strengths.
  • Unlock Marketing Agility: Discover how CDPs empower non-technical teams to leverage vast amounts of customer data for impactful campaigns and personalized experiences.
  • Align Your Buying Committee: Gain research-backed insights to confidently explain the benefits of CDPs to your colleagues and secure buy-in.

Gartner, Quick Answer: We Have MDM — Do We Need a CDP?, Sally Parker, Helen Grimster, 8 September 2023.
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