
Tealium + Snap: Inside Tealium’s Unique Integration with Snap Conversions API

Episode 5 of Conversion API Webinar Series

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Tealium helps companies collect, organize, and activate their first-party customer data in order to deliver great customer experiences. As part of the Tealium Customer Data Hub, EventStream API Hub provides server-side data collection and orchestration to help businesses go beyond data from tags/mobile SDK’s to build a more complete view of the customer journey, reduce the impact of data drop-off due to technical issues/ad blockers/network connectivity issues, and improve data governance and control.

In this webinar, we’ll explore Tealium’s real-time, turnkey, server-side integration for Snapchat Conversions API via EventStream and how clients can benefit from a more reliable, more secure way of sharing the data, and can take advantage of all other integrations in the Tealium Marketplace to future-proof their data collection.