If you’re a long-time fan of Google Analytics, as many of us are, I’m sure you’re excited to take advantage of the new Google Universal Analytics features. There’s only one thing standing in your way: re-tagging. Why not take this opportunity to immunize your site against future upgrades of Google Analytics tags, or any other tags for that matter?

In a recent blog post, Google has provided a nice way to upgrade your Google Analytics accounts to Universal Analytics. What they’ve given you is a seemingly simple two-step process to get going. The first step is transferring your account over. This is a no-brainer and doesn’t require any major effort on your part. It’s step 2, which will give your blood pressure a spike. Step 2 is re-tagging all your pages.

The good news for Tealium iQ customers is that changing over to the Universal Analytics tag is literally only a few clicks away.


If you’re not already a Tealium iQ customer you may want to pause for a moment to consider the costs of this re-tagging effort. You may also want to consider if this is a recurring challenge for you several times a year with other valuable online technologies, such as live chat, ad serving, personalization, etc.

Since you’re about to make a big investment to touch all those pages, events, and mobile applications, how about future-proofing your investment by adding tag management?

Just sayin’ …

Post Author

Hilary Noonan
Hilary is Director of Content at Tealium.

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