
Transforming Education

Using a First-Party Data Strategy to Power the Next Generation of Student Experience.
APAC Report

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Universities and other institutions in Asia-Pacific stand to benefit from a dramatic increase in online education, which will help offset the decline in international student registrations in the depths of the pandemic. Yet competition is likely to be fierce, and building distinction will be as important as ever.

As students become more sophisticated, so must education-related CX. Customer data platforms (CDPs) are a key enabler of this by delivering insight into a highly motivated audience. The online learning revolution has far-reaching advantages for all concerned, and will ultimately serve to raise the bar in terms of both education and marketing.

Read our latest APAC Report, Transforming Education: Using First-Party Data Strategy to Power the Next Generation of Student Experience today to find out:

  • The picture of education in 2021, the new student behaviours and attitudes towards education post-pandemic
  • Implement personalisation strategies for effective targeting
  • How a First-Party data strategy can build meaningful relationships with students
  • Benefits of cultivating a lifetime value with your students