
Real Time for Real Action

Examine how to achieve the retail experience operating at its peak: a point where the retailer has data about the consumer, their needs, attitudes and behaviours, and is able to act upon it in the moment.

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This Bluepaper looks at the current challenges for the retail industry, the disconnects that can occur between consumer behaviour and retail’s selling response, especially when shoppers are browsing and buying across multiple channels.

We examine how to achieve the retail experience operating at its peak: a point where the retailer has data about the consumer, their needs, attitudes and behaviours, and is able to act upon it in the moment. A real-time moment, in which pre-set business rules make a decision about new data, causing an action to be carried out.

Download to explore:

  • How to not miss the moment and to ensure up-to-date data is utilised without creating bottlenecks
  • How Tealium’s CDP enables a response in milliseconds
  • How to turn real-time capabilities into valuable use cases
  • How Kvik is gaining from real-time action
  • Considerations for a CDP to drive future customer engagement
  • Key considerations for cross-business buy-in