Better Together: Tealium + Snapchat

Tealium and Snapchat Conversions API can preserve analytics by helping you leverage consented, first-party data.

Powering Privacy-Centric Advertising in a Changing Landscape

User expectations around privacy and personalized experiences are rising as people demand more transparency, choice, and control over how their online data is used. Digital marketing and analytics teams today are faced with new challenges in the way they collect customer data. Today, about 30% of all browser traffic is third-party cookie-challenged and that number is expected to increase to around 80% by 2023. This, along with changing consumer behaviors and an increased focus on privacy, results in businesses having less customer insight to meaningfully advertise to potential customers and measure the impact of those efforts.
What does this mean for your business? The way in which advertising is informed by data will continue to fundamentally change over the coming years. To power privacy-centric advertising in a world without third-party cookies, businesses need to start delivering a first-party driven approach.
The combination of Tealium’s Customer Data Hub and Snapchat Conversions API can help preserve advertising measurement by helping businesses leverage consented, first-party data from across their organization.
Market Leaders

What You Can Achieve

Future Proof Your Advertising Measurement

Alleviate the reliance on third-party cookies and client side tags/ pixels/ SDK’s move to a more durable solution leveraging 1st party data and server side integrations.

Further improve the quality and trust in your data by leveraging Tealium First Party Domains that will allow you to manage all your data operations from collection to delivery in a first party context. This will help maintain data fidelity and functionality amidst browser changes like ITP, third party cookie loss, and ad blockers by increasing the likelihood of tracking visits behavior and (extended) visitor recognition.

Improve Conversion Measurement & Targeting

Recover conversions not observed today due to industry limiting factors to improve targeting, modeling, and bidding performance. Calculate Swipe and View conversions associated with your campaigns running on Snapchat.

Gain A More Holistic View of User Behavior

Leverage more first-party data to understand the entire spectrum of customer behavior in your advertising. The passing of events will also build custom audience segments per event, unlock Campaign Optimization Goals, and build audiences for remarketing via Dynamic Ads.

Leverage Data in Real-time

Quicker insights into campaigns results, and competitive bids enabling personalizations and relevant messaging in real-time.

What is Snapchat Conversions API?

Snapchat’s Conversions API allows brands to directly pass web, app, and offline events to Snap via a Server-to-Server (S2S) integration. This way of sharing data is less impacted by ad blockers and upcoming browser limitations. It also allows for sending hashed customer data that advertisers capture on their pages (like email addresses) which will then be matched against Snap’s logged-in data. Using this data allows Snap to optimize ad campaigns, improve targeting, and measure the conversions that resulted from Snapchat campaigns.

The Tealium and Snapchat Conversions API

Tealium helps companies collect, organize, and activate their first-party customer data in order to deliver great customer experiences. As part of the Tealium Customer Data Hub, EventStream API Hub provides server-side data collection and orchestration to help businesses go beyond data from tags/mobile SDK’s to build a more complete view of the customer journey, reduce the impact of data drop-off due to technical issues/ad blockers/network connectivity issues, and improve data governance and control. Tealium has a real-time turnkey server side integration for Snapchat Conversions API via EventStream, so clients can benefit from a more reliable, more secure way of sharing the data, and can take advantage of all other integrations in the Tealium Marketplace to future-proof their data collection.
Solutions - Single View of the Customer

More Reliable Website and Mobile Tracking

Use Tealium to send web events to Snap using both the pixel SDK/App Ads Kit SDK and Snapchat’s Conversions API, where server-side events complement conversions not captured through Snap’s client tags/App Ads Kit SDK due to tracking browser restrictions or network connectivity issues.

Solutions - Customer Analytics & Predictive Insights

New Additional Events

There may be key events that you only track server-side, or additional events that happen somewhere else lower in the funnel (for example, In-app, CRM, Support Center, POS, Loyalty, and more). With Tealium you can simply stream these server-side events over to Snapchat Conversion API for conversion modeling and measurement.

Tealium Snapchat Conversion API Diagram

Best Practices of Snapchat CAPI

Get quicker insights into campaign results and competitive bids based on the current marketplace demands.
Data Redundancy
Dual approach (pixel/SDK + CAPI/App Ads Kit + CAPI) minimizes signal loss, ultimately driving more efficient results.
Include parameters to de-duplicate events sent through the Snap Pixel SDK/App Ads Kit SDK and the Conversions API.
Verify Data
The Snapchat Events Manager dashboard separates and presents web/app events from the CAPI events.

How Do I Get Started?

In the Snapchat Business Manager account, the Tealium integration must be turned on.

In Tealium, you can then find the connector in our server-side marketplace for EventStream by simply selecting the “Snapchat Conversions” connector and begin the setup and testing process.


  • The advertiser must be willing to use Snapchat Pixel in the Tealium container tag or 3rd party TMS to enable passing order IDs through the pixel for deduplication purposes.

  • Customer data submitted on the page (typically associated with deep conversions, e.g. purchases/leads/sign-up, etc).

We’re Here to Help

Get in touch and we’ll help you with whatever you need.