Category: Data Strategy

The Deep (Code) Freeze

The Deep (Code) Freeze

With the Proliferation of IoT, How Do You Govern Big Data?

With the Proliferation of IoT, How Do You Govern Big Data?

How a Leading eCommerce Company Tamed the ‘Wild West’ of Site Performance

How a Leading eCommerce Company Tamed the ‘Wild West’ of Site Performance

Data as the New Currency

Data as the New Currency

Feature Spotlight: Audience Sizing

Feature Spotlight: Audience Sizing

Redefining ‘Anonymous’ Visitors

Redefining ‘Anonymous’ Visitors

If you are in control, you’re not moving fast enough

If you are in control, you’re not moving fast enough

Data Layer Enrichment: Taking Your Data Layer to the Next Level

Data Layer Enrichment: Taking Your Data Layer to the Next Level

Modernizing the Data Supply Chain

Modernizing the Data Supply Chain

When it Comes to Customer Data, Think Uber not Yellow Cab

When it Comes to Customer Data, Think Uber not Yellow Cab