Any business looking to drive exceptional customer experiences is most likely leveraging a variety of digital marketing tools that could include an Email Service Provider (ESP), big data analytics tools, CRM systems, data warehouses, tag management systems, DMPs or mobile SDK managers and more. The hope is that these tools will seamlessly sync together to become the solid foundation needed to run powerhouse marketing campaigns, be able to extract important insights from data and ultimately create more relevant and real-time moments with their audiences.

Customer Data Platforms (or CDPs) are quickly rising to the top of the martech solution as a tool businesses are using to house all of their data coming in from multiple channels to transform the customer experience. And while there seems to be no shortage of vendors to choose from – many are left wondering how to determine which system is best for them? And how do CDP’s differ from one another? Do they all meet the same outcome? And what’s the best approach to take in choosing one?

Matt Parisi, Sr Product Marketing Manager at Tealium, recently did a webinar on “The 4 Types of CDPs & How To Select The Best Fit For You.”

4 Types of CDP's

Watch the on-demand version now and learn:

  • 4 main types of CDP’s and the problem each solves
  • How to select the best CDP for your organization
  • 5 key things that you will want in your CDP

Check it out today!

Post Author

Julie Graham
Julie is the Senior Field Demand Generation Manager at Tealium

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