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Securing your company’s customer data is one of the most important elements in building a comprehensive foundation for your organization. Tealium’s built-in security features empower organizations to be more agile and efficient, without sacrificing security.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Tealium offers multi-factor authentication (also known as two-factor security) to ensure that only your trusted employees and partners can access Tealium products. Once enabled, authorized users must have both their user credentials, such as a password, as well as access to their personal mobile device to access their account. This protects individuals and organization from unauthorized access and provides peace of mind to administrators.

Robust User Permissions

Not all users are created equal and Tealium iQ allows teams to work together, while ensuring adherence to data governance rules and development lifecycle procedures. For example, marketing users might simply need to add a new tracking code, while site operations professionals may want to approval all production changes. Tealium iQ allows for individual role management and workflows based on team needs as well as custom publishing environments to help stage site and vendor changes.

IP Whitelisting

Organizations interested in added protection from unauthorized users can specify individual IP addresses or a range of IP addresses for whitelisting. If a user attempts to access Tealium products from outside of the specified IP range, Tealium iQ will redirect the user to their account administrator.

Secure Workflow Control

In addition to Tealium’s robust user permissions, teams can prevent unintended conflicts and changes with features such as version merging, which allows users to merge their configuration changes with that of another user, and resource locking, which ensures that individual resources (such as a data source or load rule) cannot be changed without permission. Tealium iQ also enables organizations to inspect changes by user and visually compare individual differences.