Snowflake + Tealium integration

Tealium + Snowflake: Better Together

Enhance your cloud data platform with real-time data collection and activation.

NEW! The First Customer Data Platform to Integrate with the Snowpipe Streaming API.

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How do Tealium & Snowflake Work Together?

Whether you are landing low-latency data in Snowflake or activating Snowflake data in Tealium, we offer several methods to accomplish your objectives.

Collect Data for Snowflake

Tealium is an industry-leading solution for capturing high-quality, real-time customer interaction data and provides several methods to get that data to Snowflake. Collect event and customer-level data from various sources including websites, mobile apps, CRM systems, and more, while tracking and honoring consent. Then cleanse, filter, and prepare this data for direct delivery into your business' Snowflake instance, saving time, IT resources and supplying higher-quality data.

You have options for sending data into Snowflake including:

Our newest integration uses the Snowflake Snowpipe Streaming API to land near real-time data in Snowflake.

A webhook to distribute data to your existing APIs.

Activate Data from Snowflake

Tealium's 1300+ integration marketplace and real-time data infrastructure maximize Snowflake data utilization, driving added value across AI activation, BI distribution, and data observation within the CX ecosystem.
With the Snowflake Data Source integration you can query Snowflake and pull data into Tealium's customer data hub in near real time. Build the best real-time profile, augmenting your real-time data with ML/AI data, offline data, and additional data from customer records.

You have other options for bringing historical insights into Tealium for real-time activation:

Snowflake Data Source (new) - Near real-time data source for Tealium allowing the business to query Snowflake and pull data into Tealium's customer data hub

Import via API - Import to Tealium’s API endpoint for complete flexibility and control

File Import - Query and export any files to be uploaded into Tealium

Data Connect - Visually query and collect customer data from Snowflake and many other data sources

Real-time CDP + Snowflake Data Cloud Architecture

Tealium and Snowflake integration diagram for Customer 360 data strategy

With Tealium and Snowflake You Can Strengthen Your Existing Customer Data Initiatives


What You Can Achieve

Value to Your Organization

Identity Efficiently create an actionable customer view. Create a unique identity graph per your unique business requirements with Tealium-collected data Maintain an accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date customer view
AI Fuel and activate AI and ML Initiatives. Inform and activate AI initiatives with a real-time data layer Safely provide data for AI and automate activation of intelligence
Insights Automate high-quality, real-time engagement data sources. Rich, high-quality, integrated data to improve and activate differentiated intelligence Save time wrangling data and get higher-quality insights
Consent Consented data collection and activation. Ensure insights and activation always respect customer privacy and preferences Reduce risk in customer data operations and build trust with customers

How Does it Work?

The integration process is straightforward:

1 Data Collection: Tealium captures customer data from various sources.
2 Data Transformation: Tealium cleanses, enriches, and transforms the data into a unified format per your unique specifications.
3 Streaming Data Ingestion: Tealium securely lands the transformed data in Snowflake.
4 Data Analysis: Tealium performs real-time calculations as data is collected, saving post-processing time in the data cloud platform. Then, use Snowflake to analyze this data more deeply alongside other data sources.
5 Data Activation: Tealium ingests analyzed data from Snowflake to activate in real-time for personalized customer experiences across multiple engagement channels; from marketing and sales to customer service and beyond.

Unlock New Possibilities with Tealium & Snowflake

By integrating Tealium and Snowflake, you gain a powerful foundation for:


Create personalized marketing campaigns and customer experiences based on individual preferences and behaviors.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) Analysis:

Identify your most valuable customers and tailor your marketing strategies accordingly.

Attribution Modeling:

Understand what drives customer conversions and optimize your marketing spend.

Streamline and Scale AI Initiatives:

Improve cohort analysis, next-best action, propensity models, lead scores, and more with high-quality data and automated activation.

Predictive Analytics:

Anticipate customer needs and behavior to inform proactive marketing strategies.

Ready to Get the Most Out
of Your Customer Data?

Snowflake and Tealium are investments that help you dramatically increase the value of your customer data. With Tealium’s Customer Data Platform at the front lines, cleansing and transforming your incoming data, and Snowflake enriching that data with historical insights, you can get more out of your data and make it more accessible to business teams.

We’re Here to Help

Get started with the Tealium and Snowflake integration and unlock the full potential of your customer data. Contact us today to learn more about this powerful partnership and how it can help you achieve your marketing goals.