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MarTech news is exciting, innovative and everywhere – but feeling like you can’t get through it all? Tealium’s got you covered! Each Friday we’ll share our top recommended readings for the week.

MarTech New Visual Search Tool Doesn’t Require Words, Just a Camera
A Martech Advisor Article
Now, customers can snap a photo of anyone, anywhere and do a similar outfit search online. This new mobile capability, in addition to its convenience to users, is another way that companies can get even closer to their customers’ daily lives. Visual search is also addressing a pain point for customers and brands… Keep reading

Google Announces Search-Based Mobile Travel Bookings
A PYMNTS.com Article
Google is trying to make it easier for consumers to use their smartphones to directly book travel from a Google search. The firm announced yesterday that hotel and flight reservations can now be scheduled directly from a search result on mobile — without the user ever having to leave their results list… Keep Reading

How to Promote Your Business’s Mobile App Online And In Store
A Forbes Article
When you get your business-branded mobile app up and running, it’s important to focus on increasing the number of active users and app installations from your target audience. To reach the highest engagement with your customers and convert them into active users, here are a few useful promotional practices to follow. Think mobile first but web second…Keep Reading

Kochava Xchng Will Bring Blockchain to Mobile Ad Measurement
A Venturebeat Article
Kochava built its mobile ad measurement business to bring transparency to a growing industry. Mobile advertising is kind of murky, riddled with problems like slow payments and ad fraud, so the company has been building a full ecosystem to bring blockchain to digital advertising...Keep Reading

Marketers Need to Do More with Mobile Tech
An ExchangeWire Article
Are marketers using mobile and location-based advertising to its full potential? In this Q&A with Ian James (pictured below), GM international, Verve, ExchangeWire discusses the current location-based marketing landscape…Keep Reading

Post Author

Alasdair Kilgour

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