Adobe Experience Cloud Integrations with Tealium Customer Data Hub

Better Together: Adobe Experience Cloud + Tealium Customer Data Hub
Unlock the full power of your Adobe® products and the rest of your tech stack with seamless data integration through Tealium’s Customer Data Hub
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What Adobe products can Tealium help integrate?

Key Benefits

  • Unified data integration for more powerful and consistent data-driven experiences
  • Simplified data management unlocking operational efficiencies
  • Enhanced data management capabilities within the Adobe product suite and across your entire tech stack

Tealium currently deploys Adobe products across thousands of digital properties. Using data seamlessly between Adobe products and your tech stack as a whole, unlocks the power to deliver timely, contextual and consistent customer experiences. The Tealium Customer Data Hub integrates across the Adobe Experience Cloud including:

Adobe Analytics®
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Adobe Audience Manager DCS®
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Magento Commerce®
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Adobe Experience Manager®
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Adobe Target®
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Adobe Audience Manager®
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Adobe Campaign®
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Adobe Media Optimizer®
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Adobe Recommendations®
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Adobe Experience Cloud ID Service®
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Adobe AppMeasurement®
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We have Adobe deployed on literally thousands of digital properties for brands like LL Bean, Samsung, Domino’s and more, giving us unique expertise working within the Adobe Cloud.

– Chris Andres, VP Digital Strategy & Business Development at Tealium

We’re here to help:
Request a live demonstration of Tealium’s native support for Adobe to see how Tealium makes it easier to implement and enrich this part of your tech stack and beyond.

Why integrate Adobe and the rest of your stack with Tealium?

Make life easier:

Own Your Data to Build a Vendor Neutral Data FoundationWith technology and behavior evolving so rapidly, brands need a data foundation that can move across venues and technologies seamlessly. This means creating a data foundation that is directly owned (no data buy backs, no restrictions on use) and built around 1st party data (incorporating 2nd and 3rd party data as needed).
Easily Deploy and Use the Adobe Experience Cloud IDTailored tools to help leverage the Experience Cloud ID Service (formerly, Marketing Cloud ID) facilitating cross-domain and cross-device tracking along with synchronization of IDs across 1st, 2nd and 3rd party datasets.
Agile, Simple Data Management

a. Point and Click Data Mapping – Gain reporting agility with easy data mapping allowing for quick and simple incorporation of data into reports.

b. Simplified Data Transformation – Easy-to-use interface for transforming data as needed, instead of using complicated VISTA rules.

c. Manage Data More Efficiently – Make global analytics changes with a single click by leveraging inheritance.

Ease the IT Bottleneck – Give marketers easy tools to deploy Adobe programs and products. Launch Adobe Target tests and make rapid s_code.js updates in Adobe Analytics without any IT support needed, allowing for quicker time to market and more strategic use of IT resources.
Improve Acquisition Audiences – Point and click data mapping for Adobe Audience Manager allows you to build better acquisition audiences by making it easier to leverage the data you want to use. Also supply Audience Manager with first party data profiles that can be used to create effective lookalike audience targeting.

Add data capabilities:

Extend the Value of Your Adobe Investment – With a wide-ranging collection of Adobe tools, it can be challenging to manage programs consistently across them. Data is the common thread that can be used to unify experience across your Adobe toolset and beyond to incorporate your current and future tech stack.
Full Stack Identity Resolution – Build and share a single view of the customer across every technology in your stack, beyond just Adobe products. This single customer view becomes the basis for analysis and data activation enterprise-wide to drive consistent and relevant customer engagement.
Get Data Governance Tools – 

a. Improve Workflow and Data Processes – Assign roles and permissions, limit or enable data sharing, and see and control the flow of data.

b. Reduce Risk with Improved Regulatory Compliance – Address GDPR, global privacy compliance and other regulatory needs by running Adobe products through Tealium to gain unparalleled control over data governance procedures.

Really Real-Time Data Sharing – Real-time data sharing across the entire Adobe platform allows marketers to create truly amazing experiences at the right time.
Drive More Personalized Experiences – Turnkey integration into Adobe Experience Manager creates a modular data layer that enables you to drive more personalized experiences.
Maintain High Performance Campaigns with API Hub – Server side API with Adobe Analytics, Target and Campaign for high performance marketing in web, mobile, IoT, Connected Devices, Kiosks, etc.
Flicker-free – Risk-free, flickerless deployment of Adobe Target for smoother testing and personalization to drive the best possible results.
More Information
Free Doesn’t Mean Without Cost

There are tools available without subscription costs that might help with some of the points mentioned above. But it’s important to recognize the ways in which a free tool will cost your organization:

  • Service and Support Costs – Free tools can be a direct gateway to increased services that add up significantly. Additionally, support options can be limited and frustrating.
  • Vendor Neutrality – By locking into a free tool, you can be limiting your flexibility to choose best of breed tools. This hampers your ability to compete with competitors and misses the opportunity to build a strategic differentiator on data.
  • Limited Capabilities – Ultimately free tools are not as robust with functionality and typically exist to ease investment in complementary systems from the vendor supplying the free tool.

Check out our full comparison of Tealium iQ to free tag management solutions for more details.

Need Help Figuring Out How to Integrate with the Adobe Experience Cloud?

Tealium’s solution consultants are knowledgeable and ready to help you strategize your data integration plan to transform your customer experience efforts.

Adobe, Adobe Experience Cloud, Adobe Analytics, Adobe AppMeasurement, Adobe Audience Manager, Adobe CQ, Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe Target, Adobe Audience Manager, Adobe Campaign, Adobe Media Optimizer, and Adobe Recommendations are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.