Reasons Why Businesses are Switching to Customer Data Platforms

What's the Difference?

Data Management Platforms (DMPs) have long been a vital tool in a digital marketers arsenal. They’ve used them for everything from ad targeting to personalization, channel integration, audience segmentation and measurement. As we continue to march towards a privacy-first future and Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) gain widespread adoption, DMPs are largely dying - and CDPs can fill the void.

Customer Data Platforms and Data Management Platforms have long been confused - but the two are different. Let’s answer the question: CDP vs DMP?

What is a CDP?

A Customer Data Platform (CDP) is a service to capture, correlate, and activate customer data across multiple channels, devices, and technologies. They provide a single view of the customer and allow for powerful data enablement across multiple teams, tools, skill sets, and features. CDPs create centralized data to be used by all facets of an organization in real time.

What is a DMP?

A Data Management Platform (DMP) aggregates website behavioral data and categorizes it into taxonomies which are used to build segments. Segments can consist of first, second, and third-party data, which can be used for analysis and distribution into other adtech systems, primarily DSPs, to enable the buying and selling of programmatic advertising. The purpose of DMPs is to help brands drive more visitors to their websites through top of funnel targeting with the goal of generating more leads into the sales funnel.
Key Difference Resolves identity down to a specific person Anonymous in nature
ID Management Ability to store and persist all identifiers associated to a person, natively in platform Limited to the storage of third party identifiers, natively in platform
Visitor Matching Based on deterministic identifiers Heavily reliant on probabilistic identifiers
Data Ingestion Capable of ingesting both online and offline data, with no previous data matching in the CDP required Capable of both offline and digital data ingestion, however data needs to have already been matched to a third-party identifier within the DMP prior to ingestion
Data Enrichment Based on the first-party dataset captured and correlated in platform, option to augment with third-party data sets Based on third-party data blending and/or look-alike modeling
Data Activation All tools and channels, based on visitor identifiers Primarily other third-party based AdTech platforms


Tealium CDP vs DMP comparison

Why Should You Care?

Maintain Competitive Edge

Organizations that want to stay ahead of the curve and compete in today’s fast-paced consumer market know that customers must be at the center of everything they do. This means providing the right experience at the right time, which requires real-time data and the correlation of that data across relevant marketing touchpoints and channels that can be tied back to an individual.

Today's Privacy-First World

For years, brands looked to Data Management Platforms (DMP) to help capture, correlate, and manage their customer data for advertising. Today, DMP’s focus on third-party data no longer resonates in a world where privacy is top of mind, the cookie is being deprecated and walled gardens grow taller.

A First-Party Future

With Tealium, you can take a truly first-party approach to data collection and tag management in order to build browser independence and leverage richer, more complete data to drive your marketing initiatives and customer experience.

We’re Here to Help

Let us show you how Tealium can help your financial services organization connect data and deliver value-based experiences.

The 2021 State of CDP Report

See how customer data platforms (CDPs) are helping marketers adapt to key challenges in 2021.

Get the Report