Solution Brief

Tealium for E-Commerce


The e-commerce ecosystem is increasingly complex and competitive. Beyond extending brand offerings to multiple channels and satisfying sophisticated and demanding consumers, e-commerce professionals face integration, measurement, and optimization challenges.


  • Standardize data sharing across all your supporting web technologies
  • Fuel your existing offer management, attribution, affiliate, or remarketing technologies with richer data
  • Define new customer signals to trigger better multichannel interactions

Today’s e-commerce engines can transform businesses to online selling powerhouses by promoting a brand’s products to new channels and multiple devices and to utilize buyer-journey analysis for more accurate targeting. However, with increasing reliance on digital marketing tools to power these new initiatives, the growing number of page tags on your site can be overwhelming. Cloud-based vendors and tags have become the standard mechanism for collecting data, yet gathering crucial information about these interactions can be elusive or expensive. According to a recent forecast by Goldman Sachs, there will be as much mobile commerce in 2018 as there was total e-commerce in 2013—roughly $238 billion. The Tealium iQ™ tag management system enables you to capitalize on this mobile opportunity by providing cross-device profiles, which give you the ability to unify devices and personalize messages across all digital touch points. In fact, with the Tealium E-Commerce extension, you can easily map data elements to vendor tags, streamlining a normally time-consuming process. We also have turnkey integrations with 950+ digital technologies, including prominent e-commerce players such as Magento, Demandware, Certona, Optimizely, and others. Tealium gives you more control over your digital marketing efforts and improves your ability to respond to changing business needs.

Product Category Conversions: Roll-up product categories for higher-level insights

Today you can easily report on top products, what’s selling, and what’s not selling on your web site. However, the Tealium AudienceStream™ solution enables you to understand how online behaviors influence success or failure; For instance, you can look at a product category level, then segment it by audience to get insights by traffic channel, campaign, or even by keyword; see what’s driving high-value categories and where your marketing dollars should continue to flow.

Historical Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Go from customer average order value to CLV

Visitor behaviors can be segmented using your defined AudienceStream rules, then can be easily tested, customized, and fed into analytics systems. These attributes can also be incremented or aggregated, making evaluating new strategies and ideas easy and immediately actionable.

Cart Abandonment: Personalize, remarket, and increase conversions

Chat has proven to increase average order value by as much as 35%, so if the chat experience includes the right resource at the right time using fresh data, further personalizing a chat experience will help boost revenues, satisfaction, and time to resolution. Visitor attributes and badges from AudienceStream can be automatically shared with the agent best suited to support particular scenarios, providing greater relevance and personalization.

Mobile: Unify devices and messages across digital touch points

In 2013, 55% of all time spent with online retail occurred on a mobile device; in 2014 mobile Internet access is projected to outpace desktop Internet access.2 Using AudienceStream, a user’s behavior can be accurately correlated across multiple devices, stitching together a cross-device profile. This unified view enables right-time cross-device offers, thereby improving engagement and conversion rates.

Channel Intelligence: Channel-based data informs ROI

The Tealium iQ Channels extension passes your campaign variables such as influencer and first click to your web analytics tool to parse your customer journey. Channels intelligence plus engagement metrics enable you to create high-value segments and trigger improved marketing efforts by your digital marketing vendors.

Split Testing: Test a new offer or a new vendor

To decide which marketing strategies perform better, use the Tealium iQ Split Segmentation extension to create a new segment in which to run a simple A/B test, allowing you to test a new offer or personalized content. Another way to use the Split Segmentation extension is when selecting a new digital marketing vendor.  Tealium makes this normally difficult task easy by testing different online vendors against each other, giving you a chance to choose the vendor that delivers the best results.

Smarter Affiliate Management: Pay only vendors that contribute a touch point in the customer journey

The Tealium iQ deduplication feature allows you to pay commissions only to contributing affiliates (last-click, first-click, linear attribution, and more) using conditional load rules to accurately manage the customer journey. The Tealium iQ Channels extension exposes customer-journey data in your analytics tool, so you pay only the vendors that contributed to the purchase funnel, saving costs and assessing the effectiveness of particular affiliates.