Delivering outstanding customer experiences (CX) is a top priority for brands that understand the importance of building solid relationships. Delightful experiences keep current customers happy and attract new buyers using a highly personalized dynamic marketing approach as a key CX strategy component.

Strong evidence exists to support the increasing focus on CX. In today’s growing landscape of consumer choice, customers have high expectations and it’s more important than ever for brands to meet buyers’ needs. It’s also well worth the effort because nearly 90% of customers say they’re willing to pay for an excellent experience, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).

With the right strategy and technology, your organization can create deeply relevant and impactful customer experiences. In this article, we’ll discuss how you can use dynamic marketing to harness data-driven CX with the help of a customer data platform (CDP). You can also watch our CMO Heidi Bullock talk with experts from Wunderman Thompson about the importance of dynamic marketing in the keynote from this year’s Digital Velocity here.

An evolving customer journey

When we think about traditional sales, the image of a door-to-door salesperson often comes to mind—an enthusiastic individual using their charisma to direct the face-to-face experience with a potential buyer in their company’s favor.

Today, however, customers direct their own journeys. People do their own research—and lots of it—and talk to friends and colleagues to learn about their real life experiences with products before making a purchase decision. Much of this process happens online.

This means it’s essential for marketers to meet prospects and customers where they are in the buyer’s journey, using dynamic marketing to create delightful moments that will capture their audience’s attention. With 73% of people reporting to PwC that CX is important to their purchase decisions, it pays to invest in carefully crafted, effective CX.

We define “Dynamic Marketing” in our guide on the topic as

…a way to move from the blunt instruments of mass digital or disconnected, channel-based experiences to relevant and real-time experiences based on unified data. Dynamic Marketing is the belief that to innovate, you need to understand your customers through data, to be tuned in to their needs right now.

It’s a way for companies to deliver an experience that mirrors the way consumers are actually engaging with their brands.

A growing demand for data

The recent shift to digital across nearly all industries due to COVID-19 has increased the pressure for companies to generate data-driven insights and realize efficiencies in their marketing functions. 

This doesn’t mean organizations need to collect more data—they just need to collect the right data and aggregate it properly to get the greatest value possible from the information. Technology such as a Customer Data Platform can help make this a reality.

How dynamic marketing can help you improve CX

When companies make an effort to listen to their customers through data, this serves as the foundation for successful dynamic marketing and CX.

For example, say your customer is at home on their desktop computer trying to interact with your membership website, but the process isn’t working well and they’re unable to complete the task they need to, so they contact your call center. Moments later, the customer remembers they need to run an errand so they leave a voicemail and hang up.

With data-driven dynamic marketing, your company can immediately send your customer a text to let them know you received their message and that you’ll schedule an appointment to talk through the issue they were having. This gives you the opportunity to help your previously frustrated customer become truly heard, which is a win for both parties. The right technology can help you make this happen.

How CDP technology supports dynamic marketing

A CDP enables your organization to create experiences that are TUNED in to your buyers’ needs and wants, driving customer loyalty. Let’s break this down and dig into the first two points:

  • T: Trust
  • U: Unified
  • N: Now
  • E: Everywhere
  • D: Delight
  1. Trust

The need to comply with global regulatory standards is growing, and it’s essential for brands to ensure data protection and privacy to establish consumer trust. A staggering 97% of consumers are somewhat or very concerned about protecting their data, according to the Tealium Consumer Data Privacy Report.

  1. Unified

We know that buyers expect outstanding experiences. It’s important for all of your tech to be connected if you want to deliver great CX because the ability to do so depends on unified customer data. No brand wants to be known for disjointed, off-putting CX.

In addition, siloed data has a cost to business because it doesn’t support personalized, dynamic marketing. This results in higher ad costs, digital waste, and duplication, which all lead to lower internal productivity.

Tealium’s AudienceStream CDP can support regulatory compliance efforts and unify your customer data, helping you deliver the right experience at the right time and anticipate opportunities—all thanks to clean, easily accessible, valuable data.

Become TUNED in to your customers

Watch this video to learn more about how you can use dynamic marketing to create data driven customer experiences, and explore the rest of the ‘TUNED’ approach.

Post Author

Hilary Noonan
Hilary is Director of Content at Tealium.

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