Masterclass Webinar Series: Preparing for Life Beyond the Third-Party Cookie

Masterclass Webinar Series: Preparing for Life Beyond the Third-Party Cookie
After years of relying on third-party cookies for the insights, ad optimizations and audiences advertisers needed to run their businesses, it’s time to say goodbye. But not to fear, Tealium is here! This masterclass webinar series will cover strategies for advertisers to own, manage, and measure data in a world without third-party cookies.
Who Should Join?

Without a shift in your data strategies advertisers, analytics and data professionals will lose the ability to understand customer behaviors, intelligently target advertising, and fully utilize the potential of owned channels. In this class, we’ll help you rebuild your customer experience playbook utilizing first-party data.


Learn how to leverage first-party data to help future-proof your ad spend and continue to drive key use cases like site retargeting, audience building, lookalike modeling, and campaign measurement. 

Customer Experience

Learn strategies for overcoming identity gaps and leveraging first-party data to help recognize and remember your customers and personalize their experiences.


Create a sound first-party collection strategy to improve tracking and measurement of digital platform activity.

[Now Available] So Your Cookie Crumbled, What’s Next?

In this introductory webinar, we’ll cover how shifting consumer attitudes, new regulations, and technology changes will impact the ways you advertise and measure campaigns. We’ll also discuss strategies to ensure that life can carry on by leading with and leveraging your first-party data.

We’re here to say that not only can you survive without the third-party cookie—you can thrive in a completely new digital marketing world where customer relationships are built on a foundation of real-time engagement and trust.

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[Now Available] Dude, What About my DMP? Thinking About Data Post Third-Party Cookie

So you’ve relied on your data management platform (DMP) for the last decade to build audiences as well as to measure and run campaigns. What now? If you are feeling lost — let us tell you that you aren’t alone.

In this webinar, we’ll talk about how to build a first-party lead advertising strategy as well as key technologies to help you continue to get the data you need to build audiences, drive campaigns and measure impact. We’ll give you the new advertising playbook for 2022 here. Don’t miss it!

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[Now Available] Making Sense of the Changing Identity Landscape

Ever since third-party cookies started going away, a new term began popping up called the universal identifier. Everyone from IAB Tech Lab’s DigiTrust, the Advertising ID Consortium, and TradeDesk’s Unified ID 2.0 have proposed new identifiers to help advertisers better understand and market to their customers.

If you think there’s a lot of identity conversation going on in the market, you are right! We’re here to help you make sense of it all. In this masterclass, we’re going to talk about the changing identity landscape and help you understand how you should be thinking about these changes alongside your customer acquisition strategies.

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[Now Available] Show Me You Care: Why You Should Be Talking About Privacy and Value-Exchange

We’re well into 2021 and data privacy has continued its push out of the InfoSec and legal team agenda and into the customer experience. Whether data privacy conversation takes the context of shifting consumer attitudes, new regulations or technology changes – the fact remains that privacy is now an integral piece of marketing and customer experience. 

Join this session to learn how to use first-party data to prioritize privacy and build long-lasting customer trust and strategies for increasing authenticated visits through strong value exchange.

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[Now Available] What’s Next for Advertisers After 2023? Masterclass Recap

Hear key takeaways from this series as well as real-world stories of how companies are future-proofing their data, advertising and measurement efforts to stay ahead of the game (and how you can too).

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Get a Head Start on Your Homework

Third-Party Cookie Loss

Everything you need to know about the future of third-party cookies

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First-Party Data Primer

Get a head start on building your first-party data strategy

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Tealium’s data-first approach gives companies a trusted infrastructure to govern all of their customer data securely in one place, our Customer Data Hub.