Tealium Functions (version 2)

Connect to custom destinations,  automate workflows, and launch new use cases faster with simple code.

About Tealium Functions

We built Tealium Functions because each and every business is solving unique challenges with their customer data. At the core of these challenges is the need for customization and agility. Tealium Functions brings unparalleled flexibility to AudienceStream CDP and EventStream API Hub without added complexity. With a few lines of simple code, you can test and stand up custom integrations and use cases in hours.

Unlock the Art of the Possible for Your Business

Build or Customize Integrations

Your stack works better when it works together. Tealium Functions gives you options to connect to custom destinations or customize integrations to help meet the unique needs of your business.

Transform Data

Data may not be in its most usable format across technologies, collection sources or to meet the needs of custom endpoints. Tealium Functions helps you apply business logic to your data to ensure that your customer data is usable across custom data environments and multiple digital channels.

Automate Workflows

Teams are looking to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks that are roadblocks to high-scale efficiency. Tealium Functions can help teams automate workflows with a few lines of code to better automate workflows (like creating a new campaign) and speed time to activation.

Quickly Query High-Value Data Sets

Critical data sets may live outside the Tealium Customer Data Hub that businesses need to leverage during activation. Tealium Functions can help connect to valuable external data sets (CRM, next best action engines, databases, third-party data sets, legacy systems) for the data you need rather than needing to do a file import.

With Tealium Functions, we’re given a canvas to work with our developers and customize existing integrations within the Tealium integration catalog with some simple JavaScript. In a day, we were able to write some code to customize our integration with a key personalization tool in our stack in order to bring in a broader set of events to inform how we’d deliver the customer experience. Tealium Functions gives us extra flexibility with our customer data infrastructure to bring new, custom ideas to life.


Joshua Benard, Product Manager, Alaska Airlines


As we’ve grown into our use cases with Tealium, we’ve seen incredible opportunities to leverage more data that lives outside the CDP. For instance, there’s a wealth of data that lives outside of our own first-party data that could help enrich our datasets, and personalize a web experience. With Tealium Functions, we are now able to query databases through their third-party APIs to enrich our customers’ web experience. It gave our team more flexibility without added complexity, and we were able to develop, test and stand up this use case in hours rather than weeks.


Jeff Newell, Technology Manager at Meridian Energy


Feature Overview

Today, you can get started with Custom Actions or Transformations in Tealium Functions. Custom Actions gives you the ability to create functions for data destinations and integrations at the end of the data supply chain. Transformations for Tealium Functions gives you the ability to create Functions at the point of data collection to transform, modify, or validate events before processing.

Custom Actions

Custom Actions in Tealium Functions help you transform data, customize marketplace integrations, automate workflows and connect to custom destinations at the end of the data supply chain. Send visitor or event-level data to any tool in your stack, automate workflows and transform data prior to activation.


Transformations in Tealium Functions gives you the ability to create functions at the point of data collection to transform, modify, or validate events before processing. Bring new types of data into Tealium, get a more expansive view of your customer by connecting to custom sources and validate that data with custom transformations. Gain agility to address data challenges on the fly without needing extensive setup work.

Get to Know Tealium Functions

Ready to see Tealium Functions in action? No problem, we’ve got you covered in this quick demo!

Key Benefits

Ready to start building?

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No need to wait on Tealium development cycles to bring your ideas to life.

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Tealium Functions works with visitor and event-level data.

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Tealium Functions enables you to quickly connect to any API, external data set or tool opening up a world of possibility.

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Tealium Functions is included with AudienceStream CDP and EventStream API Hub


Want to Learn a Bit More? Here are Some Helpful Resources


About Tealium Functions

Take a step further and take a spin through our technical documentation to go in-depth on Tealium Functions.


Writing Functions

Ready to start building? It’s as easy as code, test, configure, deploy.


Example Code

No need to start from a blank slate, in this resource you’ll find some example code to help you get started with Tealium Functions in no time. Really, we mean it.

Need More Info on Tealium Functions?

Tealium’s solution consultants are knowledgeable and ready to help you strategize your plan for orchestrating your data.