Category: Data Strategy

Beacons & Bacon: 8-step Data Strategy to Hack Any Customer Experience

Beacons & Bacon: 8-step Data Strategy to Hack Any Customer Experience

The Elusive Single View of the Customer – EDW, DMP, CDP, CDH…OMG!

The Elusive Single View of the Customer – EDW, DMP, CDP, CDH…OMG!

Infographic: The Do’s and Don’ts of Data Layer Design

Infographic: The Do’s and Don’ts of Data Layer Design

All I Want this Holiday Season is a Single Customer Profile

All I Want this Holiday Season is a Single Customer Profile

Mobile Apps On the Pulse of Future Technology

Mobile Apps On the Pulse of Future Technology

How Document.write is at Odds with Your Customer Strategy

How Document.write is at Odds with Your Customer Strategy

I Am Not a Cookie

I Am Not a Cookie

Customer Data Hub: Fuel Your Customer Data Strategy

Customer Data Hub: Fuel Your Customer Data Strategy

Video: Media Suppression Framework Session

Video: Media Suppression Framework Session

Create a Unified Language to Empower a Customer-Centric Strategy

Create a Unified Language to Empower a Customer-Centric Strategy