In the era of digital transformation, where data reigns supreme, businesses are increasingly turning to Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) as a linchpin for growth, enhanced customer experiences, and operational optimisation. Recently, we had the privilege of hosting a stimulating roundtable where industry leaders convened to discuss strategies and how to unlock the power of Customer Data Platforms. Here, we present some of the key insights gleaned from this gathering of minds.

1. Educating Decision Makers

Educating decision makers about the potential of CDPs involves more than just presenting statistics and case studies. It requires a nuanced understanding of the organisation’s specific challenges and objectives. This might involve organizing workshops or training sessions for various stakeholders, including C-suite executives and departmental managers. Showing real examples of how CDPs have benefited similar organizations in the industry can help decision-makers understand the tangible benefits and ROI of CDPs.

2. Overcoming Fear of Change

Fear of change is a natural human reaction, particularly in the context of digital transformation initiatives that may disrupt established processes and workflows. To address this fear, organisations must create a supportive environment that encourages experimentation and learning from failure. Leadership plays a critical role in fostering a culture of innovation by openly acknowledging the challenges of change and providing guidance, and support to employees as they navigate the transition. Additionally, celebrating successes, no matter how small, can help build momentum and confidence in the transformative power of CDPs.

3. Achieving Synergy Across Teams

Collaboration across different teams working on CDP initiatives is essential for ensuring alignment and maximising the impact of CDP investments. Establishing a “centre of excellence” can serve as a focal point for coordinating efforts, sharing best practices, and providing support and guidance to other teams. This central team may include representatives from various departments, such as marketing, IT, data analytics, and customer service, ensuring that diverse perspectives are considered in CDP implementation decisions. Regular cross-functional meetings and workshops can further facilitate communication and collaboration.

4. Importance of Data Quality

Data quality is the foundation upon which CDPs operate, influencing the accuracy and reliability of insights derived from customer data. Organisations must implement robust data governance processes to ensure that data is clean, complete, and consistent across all touchpoints. This may involve establishing data quality metrics and KPIs, implementing data validation and cleansing procedures, and investing in data quality tools and technologies. Regular audits and monitoring can help identify and address data quality issues proactively, ensuring that the insights generated by CDPs are actionable and reliable. As we are deep into the AI era, it is also important to ensure high-quality data is readily available in a centralised repository. It emerges as a prerequisite for unlocking the full potential of AI-driven insights.

5. Addressing Third-Party Cookie Deprecation

The impending deprecation of third-party cookies presents a significant challenge for organisations that rely on these cookies for tracking and targeting purposes. To mitigate the impact of this change, brands must prioritise first-party data collection and utilisation strategies. This may involve implementing strategies such as incentivising customers to provide consent for data collection, leveraging first-party data sources such as website analytics and customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and investing in alternative tracking and targeting technologies, such as contextual advertising or customer consent management platforms.

6. Tackling Fractured Data

Fractured data, stemming from diverse data sources and isolated data management practices, hinders holistic insights from CDPs. Organizations need to invest in data integration solutions capable of consolidating data from various sources like CRM systems, marketing platforms, e-commerce platforms, and social media channels. Data standardisation and normalisation processes may also be necessary to ensure that data is consistent and compatible across different sources. By centralising and harmonizing their data assets, organisations can unlock the full potential of CDPs and gain a unified view of their customers’ interactions and preferences.

7. Embracing Responsible Data Management

In today’s regulatory environment, responsible data management is crucial. Data privacy and security concerns dominate public consciousness. Organizations must follow strict regulations like GDPR and CCPA. They need explicit consent for data collection and processing. Robust security measures are essential to protect customer information. Transparency about data usage is key. Prioritizing data ethics and compliance helps build trust and credibility. This approach minimizes the risk of penalties and reputational harm.

8. Championing Cross-Departmental Collaboration

Cross-departmental collaboration is crucial to align CDP initiatives with broader organizational goals. Brands need to dismantle silos and encourage communication among departments like marketing, data, sales, customer service, and IT. Creating cross-functional teams promotes knowledge sharing and synergy, incorporating diverse perspectives in CDP implementation. Cultivating a culture of collaboration enables organizations to leverage their teams’ collective expertise, fostering innovation and customer-centricity.


Though CDP implementation challenges may seem daunting, the benefits of leveraging customer data are substantial. So, by tackling these challenges directly and adopting a strategic, comprehensive approach, organizations can achieve sustainable growth, improve customer experiences, and stay ahead in today’s digital landscape. Insights from industry experts are invaluable for brands navigating digital transformation and aiming to unlock the power of Customer Data Platforms

Curious about how your organisation can to unlock the power of Customer Data Platforms? Read our latest report on State of CDP and find out notable key findings, including:

  • 91% of CDP users believe that their CDP is integral in creating relevant customer experiences through real-time customer data.
  • 79% of Companies Achieve ROI Within Just 12 Months of CDP Adoption.

The very first Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) has arrived and Tealium has been named a Leader!

Access the report to see why are positioned in the Leaders quadrant

Post Author

Tiphaine Gaillard

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