To keep up with evolving technology and customer behavior, it’s essential for companies to work with partners sharing similar long term approaches to address current and future challenges. Read below to learn about Tealium’s guiding product development beliefs that help ensure new products and features deliver significant value.

This is Part 6 of a 7-part Series. Read other parts: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 7[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Matt Parisi, Interviewer: (cont’d from Interview Part 5) Core Belief #5, “All channels are now digital channels and that data should flow freely back and forth between them.” What has Tealium built to support this?

Mike Anderson, Tealium Co-founder and CTO: We do feel that data’s destination isn’t just a report. Going back a number of years, people started using web analytics to get data in and look at reporting, then have a human analyze it after and decide what our company should do. There’s so much more data now that taking action on the data where it’s at is important.

Data Sources marketplace

Whether that be driving better CX within the engagement (ie: mobile, in store, web) or driving re-acquisition efforts (ie: come back to re-engage) or even having richer experiences. For example, you can use web site engagement data to determine user interests, then when I call into a call center and/or go in-store to talk to someone, it’s not a blank canvas. You now know things about me and know what I’m interested in and what I’m not. Using this data to personalize and deepen the value of the experience is important, beyond just the reporting aspect.

Data comes from a diverse set of places as well and this is where we focus a lot of energy to make sure we can get data from everywhere. We’ve expanded beyond web data collection, to incorporate universal customer data from web to call centers and using beacons inside of stores to understand where people move around in the store, etc.

MP: Do you have any examples of how we’ve used this kind of data that traditionally may have been more “offline”?

MAGoing back to IoT data, like beacon data I just mentioned— we use beacons at our own conference to report to partners what booths and locations prospects and customers are visiting and to show fun stuff to deepen the value of the customer experience at the conference (ie: show in the mobile app who drinks a lot of coffee, who drinks irish coffee, etc). We then try to optimize our user conference experience by understanding this flow of foot traffic to the partner pavilion area.

We analyze the heat maps and foot traffic of where people walk and it becomes different based on where we’re running one (ie: London, Tokyo, or in the US). Foot traffic behavior varies by location more than you would think. Europeans like an arena type, the US is more row-based where they like to walk up and down rows. We will have that type of data with our upcoming November Tokyo conference and will have even more insights. We understand the best experience we can design for our partners by understanding the historical browsing and walking patterns of our customers.

That’s one good example of how data from channels that haven’t traditionally been used digitally can be integrated with other data to create new data and insights to improve customer experience.

End of Interview Part 6. Read other parts here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4Part 5Part 7

This was part 6 of a 7-part interview with Tealium CTO, Mike Anderson, about how Tealium’s core beliefs guide product development. Please check back for future installments of this interview.

Post Author

Matt Parisi
Matt is Director of Product Marketing at Tealium.

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