
Build personalized, omnichannel shopping experiences that never go out of style with trusted customer data

Check out our CDP Starter Kit for Retail to help you build a comprehensive strategy for selecting and implementing a CDP

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Understand and Engage Your
Customers in Real-time

The Challenge
Why Does It Matter?
We Can Help

Shift to Online Shopping

Between evolving consumer tastes and expectations, quickly shifting technology trends, and the pandemic, brands face enormous challenges creating shopping experiences that customers will love— both in-store and online. And when you add in new privacy and data regulations that bring a wide variety of other challenges for managing CX, it’s hard for brands to not only delight their buyers, but to also improve operational efficiency, agility and ultimately, revenue.

Retail Shopper

Experience Happens Across the Journey

To deliver shopping experiences that stand out, brands must understand customers through their data and put that understanding at the heart of every experience they create. How do they do it? It starts by unifying the first-party data a brand already has of their customer to create a complete profile of them. Armed with real-time visitor profiles for campaign orchestration, brands can always guarantee an ‘add to cart’ by creating relevant and personalized messages at every point of interaction.

Quality Data

Customer Views Beyond Acquisition

Tealium helps you build a trusted, unified customer data foundation with insights unique to your brand that can be seamlessly integrated throughout your entire stack. Why is this so hugely helpful? Because it makes every tool you already use today more powerful! With a 1300+ strong integration marketplace (and without divided loyalties to native execution tools), Tealium is uniquely positioned to help you build a vendor and channel-agnostic view of your customer as a foundation for your CX strategy.

How Tealium Powers the Entire Customer Data Supply Chain

Diagram showing the CDP’s role in public sector services for collecting and acting on customer data

Tealium for Retail

Use real-time, unified data to build more loyal relationships with customers, drive timely and targeted messaging, and create experiences that turn browsers into repeat customers.

Data Collection (Offline Too) and Identity
Delightful Omnichannel Personalization
Cross-Channel Activation
Audience Segmentation
Power Customer Analytics

Collect and Unify First-party Data in Real-time to Understand Your Customers and Deliver Delightful Experiences

The tools and technologies you use to engage customers and analyze results all capture a valuable piece of the customer relationship. To use data, the first step is collecting it, then resolving the identity behind it to understand it. Even common offline data, like POS or loyalty data, contains valuable insights for digitally-enabled shopping experiences.

Together, all of this first-party data from engaging with your customer becomes your brand’s competitive differentiator. Tealium gives you the power to drive exceptional experiences in any channel by connecting all of the data you have for your customer.

Personalize the Omnichannel Shopping Experience Before, During, and after Purchases Are Made

Tealium integrates with any tool you already use to engage your shoppers— website, mobile app, POS, email, marketing automation, ads, CRM, IoT just to name a few— meaning you can provide personalized omnichannel experiences without missing a beat (using the tools and tech you and your team already know and love!).

Trigger personalized experiences and messaging with a real-time, unified customer profile at the heart of your tech stack.

Connect Marketing, Sales, and Customer Service Teams with a Single and Consistent View of the Customer

The stakes are high, the shopper’s journey is rarely linear, and customers don’t give brownie points for effort. When customers interact with brands, they expect them to know them and for that knowledge to seamlessly transcend multiple company departments.

Tealium arms retail and eCommerce brands with a single customer view (rich with custom insights, and even ML analysis) that can be used across marketing, sales, customer service and support technologies to deliver a consistent experience with your unique view of the customer at the core.

Engage Audience Segments in the Moments That Matter Most

Rich, omnichannel customer profiles form the foundation of audience segmentation across various channels. Any data collected or enriched in the customer profiles in Tealium can be used for segmenting customers for engagement or further analysis in other tools and solutions. Create segments like VIPs, window shoppers, cart abandoners, loyalty club members, coupon clippers— or just about any other ones you can think of!

Audience segments then become available for use to orchestrate data and customer experience, whether using the segments for targeting of interesting sets of customers or for suppression to save money and provide the best possible experience.

Measure Shopper Behavior Data More Accurately and Power Robust Customer Analytics Programs

The best insights come from complete and high quality data. With tools to collect data from a wide range of sources, retail and eCommerce brands can power analytics tools and initiatives with powerful data for trustworthy insights.

And with an integration marketplace exceeding 1300+ tools and technologies, you won’t need to spend all of your time data wrangling, but can instead focus your time and energy on where it’s best spent— on understanding your shopper!

Rakuten Increased Repeat Purchase Rates by 20% after Connecting Their Customer Data


By leveraging the power of their own data, Rakuten was able to improve campaign results, optimize budget spend, and create new revenue streams, increasing repeat purchase rates by 20%.

Rakuten Logo

“Tealium’s solution has enabled us to find these insights and build targeted audiences. Each audience now receives a more personalised customer experience. Improved campaign performance has also led to a marked increase in revenue streams. The results we’ve seen since using Tealium have secured data a central role in Rakuten moving forward.”

Sebastian Rasterhoff

Performance Marketing Manager, Rakuten

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Adore Beauty
Molekule logo
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Adore Beauty

Deliver the Best Outcomes, Without Limitations

Tealium features over 1,300+ turnkey integrations so you can quickly and effectively connect your systems and data.

View Integrations
Meta Logo
Google Logo
The TradeDesk Logo
Quantum Metric Logo

We’re Here to Help

Let us show you how Tealium can help your retail organization connect data and deliver value-based experiences.